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Five Unusual Indicators That Could Predict Presidential Election Winner 

Originally Published on October 10, 2024

 A pivotal moment for the US.


Here Nadiya provides her insights into the astrological factors influencing this presidential election.

Who has the best chances to win based on the Astrology placements?

The Free Press Journal

Originally Published on February 23, 2024

7 Digital Content Creators In Astrology You Should Follow On Instagram.

A Free Press Journal recommendation on seven astrology-focused content creators on Instagram that are worth following. Nadiya Shah is, of course, included in their list!

Reader's Digest
The Most to Least Trustworthy Zodiac Signs

Originally Published on July 15, 2024

Nadiya Shah ranks the zodiac signs from the most to the least trustworthy based on her astrological interpretations.
 What It Means When Your Birthday Coincides With A New Moon


Originally Published on October 6, 2023

In this article Nadiya Shah discusses the significance and potential meanings when your birthday falls on the same day as a new moon.

Real Talk - The Power of the Stars, United Network TV Interview with Nadiya Shah
Originally Published on June 1, 2023

 In this episode, Shā of UNITED NETWORK TV talks with Nadiya Shah!


This conversation dives into the extensive history of astrology, how she became an astrologer and much more! 


Nadiya also shared how, through the stars, planets, and sky, we are all connected

Here's What The Summer Solstice Means For Your Sign
Interview with
Nadiya Shah 

Originally Published on June 23, 2023

 Sarah Rohoman NARCITY CANADA's WRITER interviews Nadiya Shah.


Nadiya talks about the first day of summer in Canada, and the summer solstice and what this cosmic event is about, how it's celebrated and what exactly it might mean for your life and for your zodiac sign.

What Not To Do During Mercury Rx Season Interview with Nadiya Shah
Originally Published on September 15, 2022

Nadiya Shah Talks About 2022 and Beyond on
i24 Israeli TV with Emily Frances

Originally Published on January 10, 2022

 Katherine Caspersz NARCITY CANADA's WRITER interviews Nadiya Shah.


Nadiya talks about mercury retrograde, what are its effects, why does it have such a bad reputation and more...

 Emmy Winning Emily Frances, Host of "Holy Land Uncovered" on i24 News English ( based in Jaffa, Israel, interviewed popular astrologer and author Nadiyah Shah on January 10, 2022. On this interview, Nadiya talks about what we can expect for the collective consciousness for 2022 and beyond as we continue into the Age of Aquarius.


Nadiya talks about the end of the Patriarchal Gatekeepers signified by the Pluto Uranus square following the 2012 end of the Mayan Calendar. As we move forward, outer planetary shifts into Air signs will lead to social and and technological advancement.

Astrologer Nadiya Shah tells Bustle, the Mars-ruled Aries is energetic, while the Venus-ruled Taurus is sensual. “Taurus is engaged in the moment, where Aries wants to get to the end goal and go for rounds,”

Read the full article by clicking the button below!

Her career: At the age of 14, Canadian Nadiya Shah embarked on divination, after realizing that she had a voice that touched people. But far from being satisfied with her intuition, she overcame, from the University of Kent in 2008 (Cultural Study of Cosmology and Divination) to various formations that increase her status as a spiritual teacher. Her confidence in her, her presence in front of the camera, her oriental spirituality and her predictions make her one of Canada’s most accomplished and celebrated astrologers. (Translated from French to English)

Read the original full article here:

Nadiya Shah has been featured in the June 2020 (Summer issue) of the Canadian Magazine Chatelaine along with other brilliant Canadian contemporaries. Nadiya is very happy to be part of Chatelaine a Canadian institution. The excellent article, filled with a philosophical and personal view can be found in newsstands now!

You can also read by clicking the button below!

TAG TV Special Report Red Carpet Media Reception for The ANOKHI Power Ball 2018.

Nadiya Shah appears on min 1:45– 2:20

See the full red carpet reception/interview by clicking the button below

Astrology can seem deeply mysterious for some, however when properly explained it can open up a whole new world of insight and possibilities. 

That’s the mantra for globally acclaimed astrologer Nadiya Shah who sat down with us to talk about the beauty of astrology, how we can apply it to our day-to-day living and breaking the many preconceived notions with her latest book (already a best-seller!) The Body & The Cosmos.

by Maeeiska Fernandes

Red the full article by clicking the button below

Refinery 29: Best Astrologers on YouTube
Originally published on March 28, 2017

“Do zodiac signs prescribe your fate? Or do horoscopes’ accuracy lie in the placebo effect? Take a look at the science, history and lure of astrology.”


Humans have been looking for meaning in the heavens for thousands of years. Those faraway lights in the sky moved in predictable ways and had clear effects on our seasons, tides, and harvests. So it seemed plausible that they might control other aspects of our lives too.
Nearly every ancient culture in the world invented a form of astrology. Today, some people plan their weddings or when they’ll give birth based on lucky zodiac signs. Millions of people can’t get enough of horoscope columns and Twitter accounts. And yes, people really use “What’s your sign?” as a pickup line.

Watch Netflix show, Explained – Astrology Episode

“I was honoured to be asked to be part of this segment on CBC Radio with Rashi Khilnani- She is awesome! A pro! I wanted to share it with my friends and fans.”

This clip discusses the 13th sign Ophiuchus and the differences between Western and Vedic/ Eastern Astrology

Watch 13th sign Ophiuchus interviews here:

”Astrology and some of these other practices acknowledge that there is sacred feminine energy in the universe” Nadiya Shah


On top of that craving for reflection, we need connection, adds Nadiya Shah, a Canadian astrologer who has an M.A. in the cultural study of cosmology and divination from the University of Kent in the United Kingdom. As interconnected as we all are now — by a global economy and the internet — these connections are mostly in our heads. They’re not tangible. “The word for this is ‘disembodied.’ Social media is great but the connection isn’t physical,’” Shah says. “Astrology to me is a way to restore a sense of meaning, magic, and order. We feel connected to the physical bodies of the stars, because they’re things we can see. They have spirit. But because they’re real, it’s an affirmation that we exist and our existence isn’t empty.”

Read the original full article here:

CEO of Anokhi Media, Raj Girn, interviewed Nadiya for her radio show and her dedicated YouTube channel.

How Astrologer Nadiya Shah Found Her Calling Unexpectedly

    Part  1 

    Part  2

“For the stargazer who wants a weekly horoscope, plus in-depth explanations of upcoming lunar events and retrogrades.”

Shah’s forecasts are highly relatable and pick out specific themes to watch out for in the week to come.

Read the original full article here:

“These are the most creepily accurate 2016 horoscopes on the entire internet.” By Molly Mulshine.

Sometimes just when you start to doubt the power of the stars, you stumble on a totally bomb astrologer who brings you back into the weekly horoscope game. That’s what happened to me this weekend when a friend sent me Nadiya Shah’s YouTube page. Her 2016 life and love horoscope was so in tune with the things I’m currently freaking out about, I had to share it with the class.

“A Special thank you to the awesome people at TVOne Canada & One Central. I’m grateful to be a part of your vision! The interview is bilingual English- Urdu/ Hindi.”

Jupiter moves through the sign of Cancer in late June 2013, marking a shift for us all. This month’s horoscope covers the coming 12 months. When Jupiter changes signs, we welcome blessings into a new area of life. This horoscope videoscope covers how Jupiter in Cancer will speak to you in your sign.

Watch TvOne Interview here.

“It’s going to be Halloween – so much is going on… If there ever was a Halloween to bump into a past love or a past lover, then it’s the last pace we expect it to.” Nadiya Shah

On the night of Halloween, the planets Venus and Uranus will face each other, marking a start of “larger cycles” about to play out.
Astrologer Nadiya Shah thinks this will result in a number of surprises, particularly in your love life, thanks to Venus and Uranus.
Be prepared for a good friend to show up on your doorstep this Wednesday, to drag you out for a wild night of Halloween festivities or some other activity you will enjoy.

Read the original full article here:

“Nadiya Shah: Globally Connecting The Power Of Astrology In Everyday Lives” Interview with the Fabulous Parul Pandya of Anokhi Media.


As humans, our own curious drive to understand how we fit into the bigger picture has always intrigued us. This search to understand how we attract the lives we lead and what’s in store for the future led to the success of astrology as a very important practice in many cultures. ANOKHI Magazine speaks to Canada’s leading lady of astrology, Nadiya Shah, the host one of the top five most-watched astrology channels on YouTube, to discuss her journey and relationship with astrology and how to use the practice to lead a more fulfilling life.

Read the original full article here:

“Here are some selected clips from my interview with Ashfaq Hussein on ATN, airing across North America. This clip discusses my MA and some history of astrology.”

Watch ATN Interview:

Part 1
Part 2 


“A Venus retrograde time encourages us to ask, ‘Do I love this person?’ That is the primary purpose of any Venus retrograde season. You want to have that question comfortably answered at the time you are exchanging vows”  Nadiya Shah

If you’ve been waiting for the stars to align before you start planning your 2019 wedding, then you’re in luck: That time is now. We spoke to astrologer Nadiya Shah about the luckiest days to get married in the new year, and based on her reading, there’s good news on the horizon for anyone trying to tie the knot on an auspicious date. “2019 is a much better year to get married than 2018 was,” she says, adding that tying the knot when Venus (the Roman goddess of love, sex, beauty, and fertility) is in the sky is always a good idea.

“Aries is a sign that rules spicy flavors… Choose cinnamon-sugar doughnuts for the touch of the distinct, fiery taste, perhaps with a strong, sweet icing for the quick energy your sign craves.” Nadiya Shah

Picking out the perfect doughnut to start or end your day on a sweet note can be challenging. If you don’t know which doughnut you should order, why not try deciding based on the tastes your zodiac sign prefers?

According to astrologers, each zodiac sign has a unique flavor palate. So whether you’re a health-conscious Virgo or an indecisive Gemini, the personality traits of your sign can help you figure out which type of treat you may want to try next.

Read the original full article here:

“Astrology allows a symbolic way to understand yourself. It’s an opportunity to consider who you are, and be honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses.” Nadiya Shah

When you’re becoming a parent for the first time, so much is unknown: Will you be the confident mom who doesn’t second-guess her decisions or the one who stays up at night to overthink things for the third time? Will you have strict expectations for your children’s behavior or encourage them to find their own ways? Will you be the mom who sets up playdates with carefully crafted snack options for the kids or the one who can barely make school drop-off in time?

With so many variables, it would sure be nice to have some hint as to how you’ll parent—and understanding your zodiac sign may help.

Read the original full article here:

“With Mercury Retrograde, the planet appears to be traveling backwards in the sky. Because of that, our perceptions and communication might not be as clear as we expect.” Nadiya Shah

Mercury Retrograde has begun. And if that wasn’t bad enough, this month’s Mercury Retrograde is during the holiday season. Mercury Retrograde is typically a time when you’re not supposed to break up, get back together, or start anything new romantically, yet the holidays are a pretty romantic time of year. So what does that mean for you if you happen to meet someone new during this holiday season?

Read the original full article here:

Live In The Solution: Nadiya Shah Astrologer Interview @ NORWAC 2019 in Seattle
“I got a chance to interview the lovely Nadiya Shah in Seattle @ the North West Astrology Conference. AKA NORWAC – Sunday, May 26, 2019”

Nadiya Shah Interviewed by Vic DiCara
“She’s so opposite to me in so many ways, but its so complimentary. Nadiya may very well be the most sincere, genuine, compassionate, caring, sympathetic and positive astrologer (if not “person” overall) I have yet to meet.”

United Astrology Conference 2018 Chicago Interview Nadiya Shah With The Leo King
The Leo King’s quest takes him on a journey of brightening up the world with his music, astrology and inspirational speeches in order to change your life and bring you into spiritual ecstasy.​

Astrology Hub Podcast
“Every longing of your heart is The Divine experiencing itself in a way that it would not have if you’d not been there to feel that exact emotion. And to me, that’s a reminder that every single moment is an expression of soul…” Nadiya Saha

Nadiya Shah Interview with Illuminate
Discover the Magical Possibilities. Do you know how to follow your heart, your gut-instinct, that little voice that says ‘yes’ to new ideas and passions? Or do you rationalize and push the messages away and stick to the same old tired-and-true routine? Perhaps you yearn for something new, but just don’t know which path to take when a fork in the road presents itself. You have dreams and desires but simply don’t know how to make them manifest.

Your Soul’s Secrets Revealed
Interview with Nadiya Shah on Your Soul’s Secrets Revealed with Dana Louise Williams for the The Guardian Planets of Astrology Telesummit.

Home in Harmony Master Class
The Home in Harmony Master Class Interview with Nadiya Shah by Christa O’Leary originally aired on April 21st, 2014 discussing astrology, lifestyle, spirituality, and synchronicity.

Where Energy and Medicine Meet
Interview on The Marie Manuchehri Show.
You can learn more about Marie Manuchehri at

Out on the Limb
Interview with Nadiya Shah on Out On The Limb Internet Radio show with Dr. Nicola Bird.

Nadiya Shah Natal Chart
Thank you so much to Kjieh and PiscesMoonGoddess for talking about my Natal Chart and sharing their Astrological insights and exploration. Enjoy the Video!

Peace Talk
Enjoy my Interview with the Fabulous “Michael – The Peace Dealer” where we talk a lot about Astrology and my journey to Astrology.

Conquer the Universe with Astrology
2 hour live interview and discussion with Matthew Currie. “The Universe shouldn’t be something that “just happened to you.” Conquer it with Astrology! Fun, advice, and an entire Universe in just one show! THIS EPISODE: My guest is astrologer Nadiya Shah!”

“Episode discussion about astrology, I have edited my segment for a listen here on my website. It was a powerful and full circle moment for me to be part of this notable show. During my year of graduate school in the UK, the BBC Asian Network was the soundtrack to that year. I listened to this station late into the night while studying. So, I couldn’t contain my enthusiasm for being asked to contribute to this thorough and insightful episode. ” Nadiya Shah

Read the original full article here:

Read the original full article here:

“On your website you mention you are a Consulting Astrologer, Sun Sign Columnist, and one of the few people in the world to hold an M.A. in the Cultural Study of Cosmology and Divination. How & when did you become interested in Astrology? For those not familiar with the terms Cosmology and Divination, would you mind telling us more about your degree? It sounds so fascinating!”

Read the original full article here:

“She’s the first Canadian to hold an M.A. in the Cultural Study of Cosmology and Divination, from the University of Kent, United Kingdom. With more than 40,000 subscribers and over 11 million views, Nadiya Shah is one of the most-watched astrologers on YouTube.”

Read the original full article here:

“The only certainties in life are death and taxes! The only constant is change.” Nadiya Shah

Nadiya Shah is one of the few people in the world who is the owner of a Masters in M.A. in the Cultural Study of Cosmology and Divination. What that means, you’re about to find out. But the most interesting facet owned by this well-known astrologist is her ability to easily fuse spirituality into her line of work. This in turn has given her a totally different outlook on life and even destiny. The young and talented astrologer not only read palms and makes incredible predictions, but is also a budding actress and is in the midst of writing her own book which will talk about weight loss and spirituality. She is extremely well-known for her detailed readings and accuracy. Vivacious and gracious for all her gifts that has been bestowed on her, Nadiya sat down with Roshni Magazine for a small tête-à-tête as we discussed astrology and destiny, Cosmology and Divinity.

Read the original full article here:

It's the First Day of Summer in Canada & Here is What The Summer Solstice Means For Your Sign - Narcity Canada June 2023

Mercury Retrograde Is Here & This Is What Not To Do, According To A Canadian Astrologer

September 2022


VanityFair France: The astrologers who dominate the world. Nadiya Shah named on the Top 12 list of Best Astrologers of the Planet. June 2015

Refinery 29: Best Astrologers on YouTube – Review – March 2017

NETFLIX- Explained – Astrology Episode – TV Series – August 2018 &

CBC Radio: Interviews Nadiya Shah about The 13th Sign Ophiuchus

Nadiya Shah TvOne Interview

Nadiya Shah interview on ATN
Part 1:
Part 2:

Express UK: Halloween horoscope: How will Halloween 2018 affect your zodiac?. October 2018

Martha Stewart Weddings: These Are the Luckiest Wedding Dates for 2019. January 2019

The Insider: The doughnut you should order based on your zodiac sign. April 2019

Anokhi Magazine: Nadiya Shah: Globally Connecting The Power Of Astrology In Everyday Lives. August 2015

Galore Magazine: Nadiya Shah: The most creepily Accurate Horoscopes on the Entire Internet. January 2016

Motherly: What your zodiac sign says about your parenting style.

Bustle: Meeting Someone New During Mercury Retrograde 2017 Is Challenging, But Here’s How You Can Make It Work This Holiday Season. Dec 2017

Your Tango: What The July 3rd Venus In Cancer Horoscope Means For Your Love Life And Relationships This Month. June 2019

HaberTurk: What are the predictions for 2017? – Astrology Festival in Turkey 2017. November 2016

Jeannie Mossa Interview. November 2014

Roshni Magazine Interview. November 2009

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